How Often should you Redesign your Business Website? - web design dubai

How Often should you Redesign your Business Website?

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How Often should you Redesign your Business Website?

As your business thrives and grows, you will find that the website design that you initially started with, is no longer supportive enough to manage the wide array of services that you provide and has lost its charm, gradually. In any such instances, a re-design or what we may refer to as, re-skinning can be done, which is the change in the layout, visual appearances and or additions or subtractions in the content or web elements, which will help in expanding or updating the overall aura and personality of your online brand. But, like any re-design process, a website re-design is also time-consuming and thought-provoking. Before embarking on a journey or re-designing your business website, we being a professional website design service in Dubai, would like to instruct you to first ask yourself these three questions:

When is the right time to re-design my website?

Honestly speaking, there is no specific time that calls for a complete re-design of your website. It can be six months, a year or even more. The need to re-design depends entirely on the kind of industry you are dealing in, along with the kind of response your website is getting in terms of online visitors and leads. If any of the criteria are not performing to par, consider it an alarm to start re-designing your professional website.

If you are deciding whether to combine a re-design with a rebuild of your website’s platform, functionality, and core architecture, first ensure that the redesign will improve the likelihood of meeting your overall web-goals. You do not always have to or want to rebuild and a redevelop, especially if the change is likely to be too drastic for your current customers. The existing look and feel of your website may not justify a re-design, or it may be cost or time prohibitive to address a rebuild and a re-development at the same time. While it is typically less expensive to complete both tasks at once, this ultimately depends on whether you can afford their combined cost.     

How can a website re-design help me?

While it is important to note that a re-design will not improve poor website functionalities that are related to poor performance in terms of conversions, less number of online traffic and a higher bounce rate, it can definitely enhance the overall online user experience (UX) of your entire brand. A re-design can also strengthen engagement of repeat visitors with your web page who began to lose interest or who’s recurrence of visits are on a declining trend, along with creating a more positive picture of your company by highlighting your products, providing the much-needed limelight to your new offerings/discounts and focusing on the value of money for a satisfied customer experience.

What should I avoid when re-designing my website?

If your website is performing well, but you need to re-design it to reflect new branding or content, take care to avoid alienating your current visitors. If they cannot find information on your new website, you may quickly lose a potential lead. Similarly, if your website is performing well with the new visitors, try to refrain from fixing it for the sheer sake of change. A/B testing is a great way to ensure that whatever changes you do are truly more successful than your website’s current iteration. Finally, identify which content is most important to your website before you re-design it, as the removal or reorganization of this information may negatively impact your overall organic traffic.

As the above paragraphs demonstrate, redesigning your company’s website may not be necessary for every situation, or you may not be able to devote resources to a redesign. Luckily, there are steps you can take to minimize the need for frequent re-designs.

For instance, you can produce content like articles or blog posts on industry news or subjects that are relevant to your product or service. Highlight this content, as well as any other new information, with a call-to-action (CTA), a banner or header, or a “latest news?” section. Even if you do not have new content, changing the images on your homepage can keep the fresh and interesting feel alive. With this infusion of new material and the occasional re-designs, you can build an ongoing relationship with your customers and leads, and you can ensure that your company remains at the forefront of their minds.

Talha Manzoor
Talha Manzoor
Talha Manzoor holds vital experience in launching online brands and maintaining their profound presence both through positive publicity and paid advertising. Currently he is associated with Dubai Monsters - a renowned web design agency in Dubai. He loves to write about latest in technology and occasionally writes about nature. He has a fun and frolic personality and does animal welfare as voluntary work. He tweets at @Talhamanzoor24.